Skylancers of Washington DC

Quadrathon Rules

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Skylancers Quadrathon Rules

Sky Lancers “Midwest” Quadrathon Rules


The objective:


One airplane is used to compete in four different categories during one flight. The four categories are:

·        Beauty,

·        Speed,

·        Endurance &

·        Precision Aerobatics.


Each category has a possible 100 points.


Awards will be given for the highest place in each category and the overall high point winner.  Also, for designs that were not kitted by Midwest, a special award will be given to the design that is voted as the “the aircraft that Midwest should have kitted”.


Aircraft Design Requirements: 


Any stock profile “Midwest” Warbird or Brodak clone is acceptable with wing area between 460 and 510 sq inches.  Also other profile WWII vintage aircraft are permitted as long as their wing area is also between 460 and 510 square inches and is modeled after an actual WWII vintage aircraft intended for combat.  Acceptable aircraft must have either flown in combat during WWII or was a prototype intended for use in combat that actually flew during the war years (1939 to 1945).


General Rules:


·         Any glow engine

·         Fuel supply will be four oz. No pressure systems except muffler pressure allowed.

·         Engines with throttles will have throttles set so they do not move during the entire flight

·         Lines will be .015 stainless steel (or larger), 60 feet in length, plus or minus 6 inches measured from the aircraft center. Safety pull test for all entries per current AMA stunt rules.

·         Pilot must start and adjust his/her own airplane. Safety throng will be used.

·         Two flights (if time permits) with two attempts each. An attempt will be if the model is not airborne in three minutes or flight of less than three laps. Best flight will be used for score.

·         Only one entry per contestant.

·         Contest Director ruling is final.

·         Speed, Aerobatics and Duration events are scored in the same flight. The contestant may choose any order for speed and aerobatics.


Beauty and “best design” will be judged by as many people as possible. A point form will used so that maximum total points in beauty will be 100 points.


Speed will be timed for seven laps. Timing starts on pre-arranged signal from pilot. No whipping. One point per MPH up to a maximum of 100 MPH, or 100 points.




Precision Aerobatics (Stunt) will consist of ten maneuvers scored for a possible ten points each.

1.      Take off

2.      Three level laps

3.      Reverse wing over

4.      Three consecutive inside loops

5.      Three laps inverted

6.      Three outside loops

7.      One AMA horizontal eight

8.      One AMA vertical eight

9.      One overhead eight

10.  Approach and landing.


Endurance timing starts as soon as plane is released and ends at touchdown. Best possible time is 10 minutes or 100 points, 10 points are awarded for each minute. i.e. 7 minutes 30 seconds equals 75 points.

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